This EMS System is Developed Using PHP, MySql, Bootstrap, Javascript, and jQuery.
This is a jQuery Based CRUD Application.
It Fully Encrypted and Highly Secure Application.
This Project Specially Developed For Institute.
In This Project, All Functionality Handled By an Administrator.
The Admin Like Institute only Can Create the account for Department, Faculty, and Students.
The Administrator Can Activate and Deactivated Their Account.
So they only can access or log in to their account when their account is active.
If the Faculty and Student Organized or Participated any event then they can register by themselves and the Department and Institute can see their report.
1. Download The Project Zip File.
2. Extract The Files Into Your Server Folder
3. There Will be Available a Database File.
4. Open PHPMyAdmin and create a new database.
5. Import the SQL data into the database.
6. Open the index.php file into your browser.
7. Click on the admin button and log in using credentials(Don't Change Admin email or password on the database).
Password: Admin@123
8. After logged In as an admin you can create an account for the department, faculty, and students.
9. While creating any of this account make sure to generate a passkey and token For every user.
10. login to a specific account and register the event that you are participated in or organized before. ## Support
If You get any error or vulnerability then please contact me. ## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. ## Author
Web Developer and UI/UX Designer.